Privacy Policy

We value customer’s privacy.

You can always be assured 100% that the information you have provided to us while placing the order is confidential and discreet. We use software which never has leakage of sensitive data such as Credit card / Debit card. Our company policy restricts sharing / selling of customer’s data such as name, address or any other details. values & respects customer’s privacy. We always take help of the best tools to keep your information secured so that the information received is never misused.

Once you place order with us, our highly competent tool segregate the sensitive information such as credit card and debit card details in encrypted form from shipping details. The address and order details are sent to our packaging and shipping department.

We regularly update you with our new offers and promotional discounts to your mail id. Do write to us in case you do not wish to receive such mails and we will unsubscribe you from the mailing list. Our internal audit & compliance team regularly checks the adherence of company policy. We are 100% compliant when it comes to our operation and working. In case of any doubts, we can be contacted on . Our customer-oriented customer executive will contact and resolve your queries within 12-15 hours.