Refund Policy

We pack and ship all orders within 24-48 hours of payment receipt. Our highly competent staff ensures to pack
correct product and quantity in discreet packaging. We follow 4 eye principal to ensure the quality of the packaging. As we come under federal regulation, we cannot accept refund parcels. Though our quantity and quality is always correct, you may write to us on for any discrepancy. Upon review and thorough investigation, you may get
refund or replaced with new parcel. This purely depends on higher management decision after the investigation.

We ship through Royal Mail /Parcelforce to UK. Average turn around time is 8-10 days for the parcel to reach. However maximum time can be 20 days to UK and 40 days to USA. You may request for express delivery. Once the parcel is shipped, you will be provided with tracking details. We insist to keep checking the status of the parcel and be available at the time of delivery.

You can write to in case of any issue with tracking or delivery of the parcel. We may replace or send you full refund in case of non-delivery. All discrepancy and dispute must be raised within 15 days of the delivery. Team
requires further 2-3 days for investigation and resolution.